Eco friendly Kubanka hat “Golden Fleece”

Stylish, unique and 100% natural handmade hat.

Kubanka. My version of Kubanka is eco friendly. I used only merino wool, silk and Wensleydale sheep locks to felt this beautiful hat. Inspired by Michigan fall colors, I dyed originally white locks with turmeric and onion skin.

Here is some history of Kebanka hats.

Kuban is a geographic region of Southern Russia surrounding the Kuban River region. Kubanka Hat was originally a part of Kuban Cossack uniform. Traditionally it was made from Karakul sheep skin and there was a metal grid installed under a flat top that was protecting head. Kuban Cossacks Host was an administrative subdivision of Cossacks in the Russian Empire. It was formed in 1860 and existed until 1918. These days Kubanka Hat is a popular headwear among women and men. It can be a great addition to any outfit.